Monday, December 22, 2014

Eternal #1 (2012)


Eternal #1 (2012)
60 pg, A4, laser xerox, Malay

Namsar, Noiratasya, Hellstorm, Mortuary Ancestor, Larrong, Immolate, Saktism, Horace Divinity, Kambing Sakti, Eastern Voice Production

Luk Tujuh, Mortuary Ancestor, Majestic East, Larrong, Immolate, Eastern Voice Production

This zine focussing on Borneo metal scene that includes not just Malaysia but will also include Brunei and Indonesia as well. That's a great concept. Some of the bio are at the first page before the interviews start. I think it's good reading them in Malay so I list them down on the bio list above. 

No specific style on the layout. Couple of pages with ads and gig flyers, no page number and no table of content. Mostly using background image with no column for the text. I dont like pictures on the middle of the page because it breaks the line (the text) which a bit annoying. The xerox quality are excellent. Don't be afraid to use dark background or use more graphics if using laser printing like this.

There is a special section on "Unholy Triangle" metal scene that consist of interviews of the bands from Sarawak 'unholy triangle' scene and opinion from metalhead on this scene.

The reviews has a section called "Classick Demo" that includes the demo '93 of the controversial Bruneian band, Tombcrusher. The reviews are not rated.

My copy numbered #92/100 which actually the second 100 printing. Not sure what's the difference between the first and this version but looking at the flyers, the first 100 might use different cover however the distro selling this said no difference between the two. New issue #2 have been released. Hope this zine can continue to support their scene.

Reading this zine featuring the bands you're in contact with during your high school years sometimes motivate you a bit. I guess they are reaching 40's year old with family and kids and permanent day job but still producing stuff with their bands. While some people like me on the other hand have become a "keyword warrior" :-)


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