Sunday, July 30, 2023

My War Issue 7 (2021)


My War Issue 7 (2021)
44 pages, A5 size, English, pro-printed

Oily Boys, Tom Moran, Plague Thirteen, Mutant Strain, Crimes Of The Crown, Mentira, Cage Kicker

This is a hc/punk zine. Printed on Matte paper and printed & distributed in South East Asia by Sonic Rage Records of Malaysia. Does this edition differ with other print version in other region? It shouldn't but I don't have that info. However, this version I have nothing to complain about on the print quality.

There is no review, only interviews.

The pages not numbered and does not have table of content. Everything is in black background with text. Band pictures will normally consume 1 whole page.

The interviews are interesting, long answer by the bands. Although this genre is not I am into a lot, but it kept me reading.

The editor, Kristof Mondy also put some photographs of ruins of old building (nice!) or from gig. You visit their IG below for more of this.

kristof.mondy at telenet dot be

Awe Metal 2 Minggu (2021)

Awe Metal 2 Minggu (2021)
42 pages, A5 size, Malay, pro-printed

Another Malaysian comic artist in the underground scene.

There are few issues released before this but this my introduction with the work of this artist; Jerry and the comic. Whether the previous one has connection to this issue, not sure. Maybe not. This might be a stand-alone issue.

If my translation is right, "Awe Metal" is 'metalhead' in English while "2 Minggu" is "2 Weeks". "Awe" is a local dialect referring to a male and used by the people from East Coast especially from Kelantan state.

This issue is available in 2 versions and I opted for this one. I should have bought both version because it contains different materials/gifts I guess.

The gifts are hand-drawn postcard of the front cover, a A3 poster of the front cover, and CDr sample played by the artist himself @ Jerry, which instrumental/ambient piano songs or dungeon music if that's the right way to call it. The other version will have different gift suited with the concept of the front cover.

The issue is made pro-printed with full colored cover. I think for RM 20, we are getting more than the money spent especially with hand-drawn materials.

Now onto the content;

The first part is story about Awe Metal fall in love with a girl and his effort to make the 'next step'. All have been prepared but lastly, he found out she already married.

The second story is about Pojie black that is influenced by B****m's ambient albums and his 'journey' to become Count Grisnacht (musically of-course). He done the recording the songs at 1 night in a studio and went back home with the masterCD. Once completed the CD cover and he went back to the studio and found there is no studio. The location is actually an old graveyard. Traumatized with the event he went down with a fever for 2 weeks.

The arrangement is not like a normal comic which the stories are in small panels or boxes. These 2 stories, being drawn in 1 full page comic.

In here also featured snapshot of the upcoming Awe Metal comic. which look like normal comic (1 page with +-5 small panels) like normal comic. The story quite funny. Awe Metal, death metal fanatic but will cry if listen to love songs. Same with Pojie Black, black metal fanatics but cried when wathching the love scenes in Hindi movie. Does this refer to actual person? Afterall, we are all human with emotion ;-)

The last page is the autograph by the artist and with the name of the buyer. In this case it is my name in it.


Kontradiksi Issue Paranormal (2019)


Kontradiksi Issue Paranormal (2019)
60 pages, A5 size, Malay, pro-printed

Antaboga, Nizam Bachok (Dari Alam Angker comic), Kelelawar Malam, Jarr Nadjmuddean, Parduka Bardarakh (Kuda Kepang practioner)

This is not a normal music zine. From what I can see after reading this issue, the zine focus on certain subject on each issue.

As mentioned somewhere in this issue, the previous was "Issue Puduraya". I assume that was the first issue and the focus was on Puduraya. (Puduraya is a bus terminal in Kuala Lumpur before it is renamed to Pudu Sentral)

In this issue, the focus is on things 'paranormal'. There are articles on this subject. Also his chat with his band members at mamak restaurant on "hantu" (ghost) topic.

The editor wrote a long editorial and a 'outro'. There interviews are OK. I wish it can be longer. Reviews are on Horror Film and surprising these are rated (out of 5 points).

About the layout no column or 2 columns per page with huge font size. The pages are numbered and have table of content.

This is my first zine purchased thru Shoppee and comes with a free sticker. My copy is hand-numbered 58/70.

The zine logo is drawn by Mika Rotten.

terminalogik at gmail dot com

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Feed The Beast Issue 3 (2021)


Feed The Beast Issue 3 (2021)
68 pg, A4 size, in English, pro-printed

Proscrito, Charnel Altar, Vanhelgd, Filthgrave, Sartegos, Binah, Desaster

My first issue of Feed the Beast. Thick issue (and so does the paper type). This is not the usual zine I have witness especially on the layout. Before the interview starts Ipp (the editor) present 1 full page of picture. Beside this page will have band's name with very short introduction and the bottom of this page is the band's discography only with lots of empty space. Flip to the next page you will see the interview.

Another new thing for me is the layout is not the same for every bands:
- Proscrito in cut n paste style
- Charnel Altar in normal 2 columns per page (white text, black background)
- Vanhelgd in normal 2 columns per page (not actually 2 columns, anyway...) on dark grey background with lots of pictures
- Filthgrave in normal 2 or 3 columns but uses 'ancient' looking font
- Sartegos in 3 columns per page, uses different font type and small font size with frame/ page border
- Binah; looks like a comic (weird one. never seen zine like this before)
- Desaster normal 2 columns, several font types used with some quotes at the bottom of the page

The interviews always starts with "Shalom..". The questions are like dissecting every aspect on the band's release, even why the frame is using such color in the artwork is being asked. You will never find same questions asked twice to other bands.

No editorial, no page number, no table of content and no reviews or articles. Contact address can be found on Desaster's special page.

And yes, DESASTER the highlight of the issue. Very in-depth interviews also feature the band's logo from the beginning till now and reprint of their old flyers included too together with a nice pouch to put them. Nicely done. Very long chat with Infernal, Tormentor, and logo master Christophe Szpajdel. 24 pages if I count it right and sadly, this to be continued in the next issue.

Nicely done issue! Now my hands are itchy to get their previous issues.

frombeyondipp at gmx dot de

Soulgrinder Issue 7 (2020)


Soulgrinder Issue 7 (2020)
108 pg, A4 size, English, pro-printed

Lectern, Luna In Sanguinem, Cruel Bomb, Ritual Moon, Encryptment, Fatal Agent, Dissentience, Horrendous, Bill Zebub, John Zazula (Megaforce Records), Michael Alago

Unburied, Monochromaatic Black, Wretched Inferno

Paul Caravasi got a very large crew and illustrators. Lots of artwork inside this issue. Really thick and heavy issue.

The pages is not numbered and no table of content. Just normal computer layout but uses page border/frame artwork with cool drawings.

Music reviews are not rated and not alphabetically arranged.

There is also 2 pages long movie reviews and these are rated but some shorter ones is not rated. There are couple of comics and couple of pages of 'Soulgrinder fans'. There are pictures of them wearing the zine t-shirt or holding the zine.

This issue comes with 17 tracks pro CD sampler and stickers.

soulgrinder at hotmail dot com

League Of Khaos Issue 1 (May 2021)


League Of Khaos Issue 1 (May 2021)
130 pg, A5 size, English, pro-printed

Purewrath, Vrykolakas, Tomb, IV V I IV, Sauts Alastor, Malaoun, Warkvlt, Ulfven, Reputdeath, Nigrum, Gravehammer, Exhumation, Into Coffin, Evil Dead Prod, Hraun, Voidwomb, Yoth Iria, Gunter Theys, Nether Temple Design, Nekus, The Oriental Sun, Thornspawn, Bletsian

Short Interviews
Abdi, Ordo Cultum Serpentis, Soulsick, Inhuman, Miseri Silentium, Obscurial

The editor, Zizi Amri have made few publications in the past in the past as well as some label project. He's currently actively making artworks and logos under different name.

And now he presents to us the debut issue of League of Khaos. The editorial is very short. Only 4 sentences. I expect more haha.

Layout-wise, nothing fancy. It is normal 2 columns per page, but it looks 'ancient' when uses those type of fonts and black background on the text (or white background for black pages). The font is small, and no space is being wasted. This issue is very packed with texts, pictures and artworks. No table of content and the pages are not numbered.

There is no intro before interviews. Some interviews ended with band's discography. There are no contact details either but should be hard to find them on the internet.

Gunther answers it very long, the way I remember reading their interviews back then in 90's.

There audio reviews in the section called "Audio of Khaos". Reviews are from multiple reviewers/contributors. They are not alphabetically arranged, not rated and mostly have the front cover which is nice to look at. Reviews are at standard length except if it comes from Hellbangers Slaytanic which is twice the lenght from Zizi, Scareteller, Ibnu Khaldun & Ason UDZ.

Other than these you will find his artworks; others like from Nether Temple Design in the pages of this issue.

The first 10 orders will get A2 size and that's huge poster. Print-run not stated in the zine. Mine hand-numbered 03.

hiatusmindkaos at gmail dot com

Saturday, July 8, 2023

Choppin' Headz Issue 1 (2021)


Choppin' Headz Issue 1 (2021)
52 pages, A5 size, English, pro-printed

Bringer Of Gore Records, Sulfuric Cautery, Huere Artworks

The zine is thick but not much interviews in it. So this is not the your usual zine. I like the their concept and quite original concept. Featuring death, gore, grindcore and the scene alike.

Glue bind format maybe not pro-printed, just laser printer but anyway printing quality is good. The layout is in 2 column per page frame/border artwork. Some pages just used black background/white text. Nothing fancy. The pages are not numbered and no table of content.

After short introduction/editorial section, they start with their Top 10 Gore/Horror Movie list and a short review. Not just a list but movies that features 'live' human body destruction. Not 'live' actually. Either jelly, fake blood, real meat & real entrails, and no CGI effect. This my first time reading this kind of selection. Fukk! Robocop (1987) is in the list.

Next you can read "Doctor Dissector's Dungeon of Death Metal". A column featuring bands and its releases which not from the 'mainstream' or from big label. In this issue all are Italian bands with 1 page per release. Quite original way of doing it because the reviews are also on the band's logo, the title of the release and cover artwork beside the usual music reviews. Almost all aspect about the release is covered. Next issue will feature bands from Poland.

Articles are on lesser-known horror movie actor @ Strange Faces (Jeff Kober), Sick Samples (movie samples used by bands. This issue feature Mortician. Next issue will be Warsore). Master Blasters (Killer drummer in Extreme music. Isacc from Sulfuric Cautery in this issue) and lots of pages with full page gore/horror artworks with the artist’s name. Also review on Iron Maiden's Beer. There are a "Noise" section features Punctured Esophagus and "Metal Mutants" sections (old bands review, featuring Phlegm).

Only 3 pages on music reviews. They are short, not alphabetically arranged and not rated but have the front cover. Beside this there are lots of artwork from various artists.

choppinheadzzine at gmail dot com

Worship of Eradication Issue 1 (2021)


Worship of Eradication Issue 1 (2021)
52 pages, A4 size, English, pro-printed

Kapala, Blasphamagoatchrist, Nocturnal Prayer, Hail Conjurer, Goatblood, Death Worship, Goatholocaust, Vaal, Necrogosto, Baxaxaxa, Prosanctus Inferi

Debut issue from Thailand with front cover drew by Rok of Sadistik Intent. The interviews are still fresh (made in 2019-2020). The layout is very simple 1 column per page with simple frame/border artwork. I am very used to read cramp zine with tiny fonts and lots of pictures, dark background, or cut n paste but this is very relaxing my eyes. Too many empty white spaces and layout are consistent on every page. From the front cover to the content is very 'clean' I must say. I can't remember when the last time was I am having this relax feeling reading a black metal zine. Maybe this is the first one.

The pages are numbered but no table of content. No editorial section though (looking forward reading this section every time in a zine) and no contact address in the zine either so you wouldn't know who's the editor however there is a thank list. The questions are like 10+ on average and not in-depth kind of question but enough to get some info on the bands especially for me that only know Baxaxaxa. No review section though.

Few more issues have been released now. WoE can easily be purchased from their webstore. They are also a label. Check their CD releases as well.
