Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Imhotep #7

Imhotep #7
72pg, A4, pro-printed, English

Katatonia, Enslaved, Malevolence, Soledad, Nile, Rebaelliun, Agathodaimon, Rhapsody, Opera IX, The Black League

This is a quite well-known in the underground. Roy Kristensen, the editor and with co-editor Sauli Vuoti and 3 contributors made this issue possible. I remembered having flyers of one of Imhotep issue in the 90's. But back then I don’t have money to buy a copy. I also remembered in some reviews I read, about the small font size. This issue is called "Invitation". This is my first Imhotep, very sad to say that.

Before start reading the zine, I thought I'm going to fall asleep reading a zine with lots of small text, less graphic or not in cut and paste. Unfortunately, no. The questions are quite elaborated and the answers are quite interesting and very long too. Some interview supposed to be featured in Slayer Mag but somehow it did not materialize and was printed here.

The layout, beside the small fonts, they are in 2 columns per page in normal desktop publishing layout. Not anything fancy. The pages are numbered and have table of content. Rhapsody poster in centerfold and in full color.

The review covers demo (rated out of 5), Album (alphabetically arranged, rated out of 7 or 5 or in percentage), zine review (alphabetically arranged and also rated) and also reviews on Live show and on books.

I guess I am a bit lucky in having this old issue. Looking from their website, looks like instead of retiring, like they evolved into a webzine project and having some digital issues available.


Domain #7 (2012)

Domain #7 (2012)
76pg, A4, xerox, English

Zygoatsis, Envenom, Battlestorm, Thorns of Hate, Nightwolf, Remains, Vault, Gempita Records, Lobotomy, Recrucify, Perversor, Goat Semen, Metalucifer

Serial Killer: Mona Fandey

Good to see another issue of Domain. To date for me, this is best issue so far in terms of layout. Layout-wise, they are using frame/border artwork and Alan Corpse did a great job! As for the content, I have nothing to complain. Good selection of bands and the questions are interesting. I think this is the first time I read an interview with Gempita Records. For those who don't know, Gempita Records is Malaysian label which release some great vinyl title like the LP version of Sil Khannaz 1st album.

When you have Metalucifer, then you must have Neal Tanaka. Full page of him in inside the front cover and in the back cover.

The editor continues the tradition of having article on serial killer. I am not a fan of such article, but you rarely find any zine writes about Mona Fandey. You must read this. She's a witch and her victims probably killed for her black magic ritual.

Other 'tradition' is no table of content and the pages are not numbered. There is zine review and they are not rated and not alphabetically arranged.

My copy is hand-numbered #195 out of 400. This issue is already sold-out from the editor. I got this by trade with member of Goatlusting Chaos. After 6 month or more I finally got the zine. As for you, I found some distro in Germany that have some copies. Get this now!

Exh Goetie #1 (2008)

Exh Goetie #1 (2008)
8pg, A5, xerox, English/French

I hope the artwork portray what it supposed to portray because I think the goat's face looks funny.

This is a newsletter, made in cut n paste layout style. Consist of info on the releases of Exh Goetie and their mailorder list and it also presented some reviews of their releases taken from other zine. The is also a gig report in French. Very rare to see this kind of publication these day.

I sent an email asking for their latest distro list (I got their distro flyers before I got this newsletter) but they didn't reply. I don't remember who sent this newsletter but thanks for giving me one.

c/o David Lafaye
7 Ch. De La Saudiere
69380 Lissieu

goetiedistro at aol dot com

Sarawak Metal Force #7 (Dec 2011)

Sarawak Metal Force #7 (Dec 2011)
24pg, A5, xerox, English

Ungodly Death

Unholy Sin, Deadshot, Vermean, Kambing Sakti, Kherow, Rottuary, Foxhole, Keruntuk, Sebayan, Kremation

This is a good effort in promoting Sarawak (a state in East Malaysia) metal scene. I wish every state can have their own publication like this. Few things I am unsure the frequency of this newsletter being released or whether it is released whenever Sarawak Metal Force gig is scheduled. I also don’t quite understand why it is stated 'published with permission from Sarawak Metal Force'.

In this issue you can read some info or history of this newsletter which last issue (#6) was released in 2003. The aim, as stated by them, is to encourage bands to write their own material and produce quality songs. Why long delay in releasing this issue and was the previous one not made by Mad3Sign? I also have no clue on this.

This can be your introduction to the present Sarawak Metal scene. Interview is only with one band. But you can read the news on Shadow, Unholy Sin, Saktism, Voltan, Shamanic Rites, Demon War, Immolate, Chakwan Syndrome, Line Haul, Dark Throttle, Kherow, Curse Of Gods beside bio of bands listed above. There are also ads at the bottom of the page (from distro to studio).

Layout is good, not your conventional MS Word or cut n paste. This newsletter show you the right way of using black/dark background and the text is still readable in both black and white font color. If it is printed in laser printer, it will be a lot better (print them this way for the next issue please!).

This issue comes with free CD-R sampler. I found some old issues at some local distro. Hope can get a copy of those as well.


mad3sign at gmail dot com