Saturday, August 19, 2023

Extreme Metal Independent #2 (Feb.2020)


Extreme Metal Independent #2 (Feb.2020)
60 pages, A5 size, Malay/English, pro-printed

Death Vomit, Carnation, Narsamum, IEON, Septigorepholic, Dee (Murder, Obscurial, Suffercation), Wafat

Gig Report
MAMAT Fest 2020

Hysteroctomy, Berdosa, Erectus, Treasoner's Loyalty

I missed out the first issue. When I asked on the second one which was on pre-order at the time, was told only 12pcs left. So now I have in my hand the second issue, hand-numbered 38/200.

It comes in plastic cover. Couple of half size zine here coming in this kind of packaging, I noticed. Some effort is being made here with putting the sticker just to fit perfectly on the empty space at the top of plastic.

The editor; Olee and fellow writers (to name a few); Suffian Suboh, Matthew Manang, Zizi Amri, Hatecrew and in partnership with Dropdead Distro & Garage Palakbesi are putting together this issue. Their writings (reviews/interviews) differ with each other, but all are interesting to read.

The pages are not numbered and no table of content. There is no specific style of layout. They are either in cut n paste style, or normal MS word layout 1 column per page with frame or texts on top pictures. All these printed (or laser printed) in full color. The Septigorepholic interview is on red background. Nice!

Reviews are scattered and not in a specific section. They are made to look like an article, and this consumed 1 full page including the band's logo, picture and artwork of the release. This may take up to 2 full pages.

Beside this there is "Upcoming!" section which is on band's upcoming releases.

And there is Death Vomit at the zine's center page. I think it’s better made on its own instead of having article/review printed at the back. Then will be an awesome pull-out poster.

Every copy also comes with a sticker.

Dropdead Distro

Garage Palakbesi

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