Discarnage #4 (2020)
88 pages, A5, English, pro-print
'Ridden With Disease' Interviews
Engulfer, Necrorite, Graveyard Ghoul, Molder, Casket, Cryptworm, Huoripukki, Rotted, Rest, Nefarious, Mangler, Putrid Torso, Nekro Drunkz, Incinerated, Lack of Sun, Torn Apart
Issue #4 is a huge improvement since #2, which the last issue I have so this is what I can compared with (I think I have the 3rd issue somewhere in my house. Need to do another spring cleaning!).
Half-sized, pro-print in perfect bind (look like a book) format.
Still maintain the old school cut n paste format, also uses page frame/border with 'horrific' artworks and pictures. The editor; Mika Rotten is also an artist. The artworks are his. Pages are numbered and with table of content.
Only one type of font type used for the interviews & review as you can see and this match with the zine concept of promoting the metal of death. Sometimes I think it is hand-written/ or the texts are drawn. They look great.
If I could find 1 thing to complain, is the 'Rest' interview at page 44 which is the centerpage of the issue. It will look cool with the band logo in the centre if staple-type format. Minor issue. No picture for you to see. You need to get a copy to see it for yourself haha.
The issue ends with music review (not alphabetically arranged, not rated).
All in all, this is great issue to date done by Mika Rotten. Hope to see the new issue soon.
dis_carnage at yahoo dot com
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