52 page, A4, xerox, English
EvilDead Prod / Bestial Hordes, Nefarium, Krypt, Purgatory, Lecherous Nocturne, Possessed, Jasad, Putrid Pile, The Great Kat, Hereafter
1349, Barbalans
This is one of the earliest zine in Sabah! I was informed that this issue took years to complete (so that's explain why some content look outdated in 2010). The editor, AR Kid helped by some contributors finally manage to release #8. Xerox quality is excellent! Lets go to the layout. All the interviews have background image or grey color background. Printing quality are excellent so its nice to look at those sexy pictures on the background. The font for the interview are too big for me but review section use the reasonable size and looks better. The page are numbered but no table of content however on page 3 have sort of a summary of the content of this issue. The reviews are rated and mostly have the front cover. Reviews on audio stuff specially named as "Loudblast" and there's also fanzine review. Most zine have news section and the same with Nermun too. Only different is this zine have special section for fanzine news report. I enjoy a lot reading the EvilDead interview but cant say the same with the others. This issue hand numbered, limited to 100 copies only. Mine #3! And also comes with CDR sampler with DVD-size booklet. The editor also play in a band and have few releases out. You might want to check that too when asking about this zine.
Ahmad Ramdhan,
City Apartment,
Block F / F-16-02,
Kiansom Road, 88450 Inanam,
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah,
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