Friday, December 10, 2010
Meridian 9 #3 (2009)
Meridian 9 #3 (2009)
48, A4, pro-print, English
Silencer, Mystical Fullmoon, Inquinok, Vision of Mara, Peordh, Annwn, Ancient Tundra, Immundus, Novembers Doom
Another issue of this zine. This is the issue that got me attracted. This issue offer 2 front cover artwork. The other one is a muscular man with horn (I think). Honestly, hard for me resist to have this cover on my collection hehe.
Nothing much have changed in the layout department. Looks exactly the same. The column/section also the same including "Opinion & Such" ('What With The Boobs??' among them). Changes probably on the writers which are now down to 2 writers only and with addition of demo reviews.
One thing I must add, the editor/writer really made their research (on the meaning of band name's, etc) and they put discography, some band info and website before the interviews. So you have some good, not boring type of questions.
And yes, free CDR & sticker also available with the zine.
New issues already out but damned, I already out of cash. Someday I will get them.
Meridian 9 #2 (2008)
Meridian 9 #2 (2008)
48, A4, pro-print, English
Dagor Dagorath, Argharus, Deafest, Guthrum, Godslave, Vedonist, Nepente, Caricature
While checking myspace, clicking some band's friend's list to another, I stumbled upon this 'zine's myspace and got attracted by the front cover. So I bought 2 old issues.
Start with the editorial page, you can see pictures of the editor and the writers. The zine consist of G. Owen Wears, Chase Ambler, Heather Smith & Karina Lyn Pulec and with some short info on them. Yes, they have female writers and they will get a different view on certain thing.
Looks like professional magazine; neat layout (simple layout, the same 2 column per page throughout the whole zine) page numbered, have table of content, letters from readers section (interesting to read although the reply is not as fun as (old) Nordic Vision and SOD.)
Interviews are interesting read. Quite surprise to know Deafest is a one man band by Chase Ambler which also writes in this zine.
Review only cover "disc", as said in the introduction. No format mention so I assumed they are all CD. The reviews are arranged in alphabetical order and rated.
Not to forget, there are some concert review. When I said earlier, "female writers...different view", I was referring to some of the concert report. While usually writer wrote about the bands performing on stage, here they wrote their experience they encountered in the gig which quite hillarious for me reading it.
There is a section named "Opinion & Such", which is an article section. This issue, they wrote about "The Death of Optimism" and "Grief of The Soul".
Only one thing, I tried to figure out is the 'motto' of the zine. "A Metal Zine of an Unusual Nature", says the zine. I don't really see anything unusual here. Probably "Opinion & Such" because I normally see punk/HC zine wrote article while metal zine stick strictly to music.
Beside the zine, you'll get a CDR sampler (with the bands featured in the zine) and also a free sticker.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Burning Churches #6 (2009)
Burning Churches #6 (2009)
32 pg, A4, xerox, English
Baalberith, Occidens, Absu, Ares Kingdom, Exciter, Negura Bunget, Hellward, Arphaxat, Witchtrap, Unleashed, Trench Hell, Zygoatsis
Another new issue. It just look the same like the previous one. Please read my review on the previous issues.
Some quote from the editorial, "Burning Churches is at war with people who think they know how a zine should look..". I assumed he got some comments on his zine which is good that some people care to give some comment.
Commenting on that, until this review is up, I have never informed any of editors (except from Malaysia) that I have reviewed them. Most of them said "fuck webzine" in their zine anyway so I'm afraid hehe.
I never wanted to "teach" editor how a zine should look like. I just trying to describe to zine and my reading experience. Have never asked editor to "change this, do that". Most importantly, I wanted to support the distros (and the editors too) selling the zine as and reading real underground music.
I salute BC for featuring extreme bands from Asia. Hail!
Still no zine review.
Burning Churches #5 (2008)
Burning Churches #5 (2008)
28 pg, A4, xerox, English
InterviewAbigor, Crucified Mortals, Terror Squad, Envenom, Sael, Maniak, Ululate, Sodomizer, Dark Mystery, Fastkill
Another issue in the same year? That's fast! Again same layout, interview style, etc, etc. "Love it or hate it", some people might say that. Font size reduced so you can read even more reviews now. Only audio & dvd though, no zine.
Burning Churches #4 (2008)
Burning Churches #4 (2008)
32 pg, A4, xerox, English
Kamphar, Nuit Noire, Barbatos, The Meads of Asphodel, Rotting Christ, Church Bizarre, Asmodee, Chainsaw, Balmog, Wrust
Seigneur release another issue after 2 years gap. Not much have changed, looks almost exactly like #3. The layout is the same and so does the questions.
They have this 'tradition' by putting contact address and discography at the end of interview but I wonder why they are not doing it for Wrust (from Botswana!).
More review this time but no zine review. I think the way he made the back cover (with logo of the bands interviewed) is quite cool. Ofcourse the concept used for every front cover of this zine is much much better (sorry, some I have to censored a bit. I dont want to violate Blogger rules).
Burning Churches #3 (2006)
Burning Churches #3 (2006)
28 pg, A4, xerox, English
Ancient Rites, Surrender of Divinity, Arkhon Infautus, Necrophobic, Mantak, Bestial Holocaust, Loits, Infernal Execrator, Infernal Majesty, Unpure
I bought issue 4 to 6 first from 1 mailorder distro (forgot the name). Later I found another distro selling #3 and I bought it too. I waited until I have all issues and then start reading from issue #3. Ofcourse I will get #3 earlier if I know they feature MANTAK (Malaysian band that I respect a lot) in it.
The editor, Seigneur, care to put a table of content (with band's genre and country in it) eventhough the zine is not that thick. Interview questions are around 11 ot 13 only and they are short and easy question. No introduction, just straight to interview. About the layout, 1 column per page or 2 columns and he used are lots of pictures, a good way to balance up the small amount of interviews.
Reviews only cover audio (CD & demo) and DVD and no zine review. They are not rated and not arranged in alphabetical order.
I find it a displeasure (I'm old!) reading on the part where he put picture in the middle of the paragraph because it breaks the line and you can lost track on which line to continue.
Good xerox quality but you can finish reading the whole issue in no time.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Dark Legend #2 (2007)
Dark Legend #2 (2007)
100 pg, A4, xerox, English
Vivianne Crowley, Maxine sanders, Draegon Undomiel, Mayhem, Olivia Durdin Robertson, Doreen Valiente, Burzum, Explicit, Equinox
The Good Old Hard Rock Sungai Segget Days, Dark Legend Arts Promotion, A Tribute and Salutation to Barchiel of As-Sahar, Tribute to Euronymous, The Church of Satan, Mastic@ and The Christians Evil
Looking at my journal, this is one of my earliest reviews that I made in 2008 and very long one too. Because it is too long, I skip it and choose to write on newer zine. I also dont like reading my own handwriting haha. Now I pity my school teachers, having to read my awful handwriting. Only now I had the strength to read and type them here.
This is not the usual reading like other metal zine. First, you see weird names in the interview list, right? They are not from any bands but personal from various groups practising wicca, occultism, witchcraft and paganism. Secondly, Reymond (the editor) wrote or elaborate certain thing in the between the interview so you will know some info about the issue discussed and also you know there are so much hatred towards Mastika (more about this later).
One of the highlight for me are the letters Reymond to Euronymous (before his death ofcourse!) which is presented there although he compiled it in form or "question & answer" like a normal interview. He also elaborate Euronymous's view on satanism which is quite enlightening. Equinox is not interview but Darkness letter to Reymond. Another highlight is the Burzum interview with Varg when he was in jail. There are some questions that are not answered by Varg, I wonder why?
Layout-wise, ok for the interview (2 column perpage) but the review using 4 columns that is too near with each other make it looks weird. Talking about review, some review are only like 5 lines. Very short but have logo of the band for every review.
Other stuff in this issue: a page each for "Images of Norwegian Black Metal" and "Images of Northern Darkness" (pictures of bands with corpse paint), some funny cartoon, promoting some artwork made by him or other artist (with explanation about the artwork), compilation of questions from other zine and with the answer by Reymond.
If not mistaken, I read in a zine in late 1990's, Reymond said DL will be released only in 5 issues. Like a pentagram that have 5 points. I forgot other details of that interview. If calculate, first issue in 1997, second issue in 2007, the fifth issue will be in 2037. I will be 60 years old haha. Anyway, this is just a humour. Dont take in seriuosly. The 10 year gap is caused by, none other than the "black metal issue"! I dont want to go in detail about that but read on some interesting 'stories' related with this editor.
Mastika (a local magazine) accussed Reymond is starting a branch of Church of Satan in Malaysia, under the teaching from Euronymous and have thousands of followers in Malaysia. Can you believe that? Well, the folks here believe that. Together with writings from Harian Metro (a local tabloid newspaper, said to be the largest Malay-written newspaper), that fuels up the anti-metal movement in Malaysia. I was shocked to see Reymond picture in that magazine (I dont buy Mastika but used to read the sex stories at the newsstand while waiting for my bus). They blurred the face like he's a rapist or some criminal but I've seen that picture before. After that police starts interrogating him. There's a lot of info about this in this zine.
And throughout this issue, you will read his own view and also as protest to media, government in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia on how they treated metal community.
If you noticed, the back cover is a blank paper. Actually behind it is an artwork by Reymond which quite provoking.
The editor also run a label and involved in some bands.
c/o Reymond
Block 184A,
#05-165 Rivervale Crescent,
Singapore 541184,
Republic of Singapore
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Alcohol Generation #1 (2010)
Alcohol Generation #1 (2010)
56 pg, A4, xerox, English
Hereafter, Unholy Sin, Damokis, Voltan, Crown of Horns, Insacred
The last time I read a zine from Sarawak is Kananulark in late 90's (edited by bos of Eastern Voice Prod.). Few years ago I noticed in a forum about a zine called Orema Bakep but dont have the chance to order it. And now after many many years, another zine was born, Alcohol Generation.
The way I discovered this zine is a bit weird for me. Now I have to accept the fact that things are now changing and promotion is also done in Facebook. I dont even get the printed flyers when I got this zine.
This is one of the best first issue release I read this year. This issue featured good showcase of Malaysian metal (from the interviews as well as the reviews) eventhough it didnt cover all genre but this is just the first issue.
Some first issue zine asked quite boring and uninteresting question. But that is not the case here. Interviews are interesting to read. There are also "live" interview that is a shorter than the rest but they added the info that are not asked in the interview in the introduction. Reading the introduction of the interviews will add some historical and geographical knowlegde too because they added these info when elaborating about the band's origin. I think its good for foreigner to learn a bit more about Malaysia beside knowing the bands.
Reviews section cover audio stuff, named "Reviewed, Re-view, reviews!" (EP/Demo and full-lenght are separated) and also zine. Quite detailed with all the info of the releases and including the front cover (except for zine review).
There are some gig report from East and West Malaysia. Brief review on each participating bands and have a picture of them. "Exclusive" review (indepth and a bit detailed) on "Tugau Warmetal Hordes 2010". I enjoy reading this, especially the journey to/from the gig (described by Matt 'like a journey to hell'). I wish they can also review "Borneo Metal Evolution" since they already mention it in this zine as 'worse gig ever'.
Some pin-up poster available. I always think its better to put this on separate paper so people can pull them out and 'crucify' it on the wall without damaging the zine.
There are some article on bands (Unholy Sin & Antacid), while mostly zine will copy directly from the band's bio sheet, Uchu Manang typed in his own words.
About the layout; 2 columns per page and using font size that is a bit large to my liking. Layout fully computerized, no border/frame art but with lots of picture (luckily, this prevent them from looking dull). Xerox quality is good, I just wish the print quality of the mastercopy is better than this. It is also well organized (page numbered & have table of content). They also put small banner/adds on the interview which is not related with the bands interviewed and I found this quite annoying.
Mine are hand-numbered 8 (print run unknown). There is a small box for personal hand-written message to the buyer. Those who want to be the second-hand buyer will have to accept this zine with my name there haha.
Editor also run a label (Evil Institution Records) and involved in some bands (Militant Attack, if I'm not mistaken).
c/o Uchu Manang
jugam2001 @
Monday, October 18, 2010
Metalwarpage #5 (2009)
Metalwarpage #5 (2009)
106 pg, A4, xerox, English
Nefarious Azarak, Asian Black Metal Syndicate, Bazzah, Braindead, Au Revoir, Black Abyss, Barbalans, Antacid, Everlasting Tales, Modar
My first issue of Metalwarpage. I once contacted the editor, Seth, after I got the flyers for issue #4 but it's already sold out. This time, through some local metalhead I manage to get a copy of this. With colored covers it looks professional from the outside. I wish the content can be made better, I mean the printing and xerox quality. However the layout is good, pages are numbered and with table of content included. Nicely done on the layout except for the 4 columns per page which I think the font used there is too big for that type of columns.
One thing that I salute the editor is they managed to get great selection of Malaysian bands. I'm surprised they willing to be interviewed for a local English-written underground publication like this (I thought they only entertain major mag sold at the bookstore). Some of the band already exist since the 90's which mean they are old, busy men (with jobs and family). Some good chat there.
Another aspect of the zine that I like since I dont see this in other zine is "What the Fuck", which is the section where they put the questions they sent to bands and they didnt reply. So we have in this issue Rebellion, Rakus, Imperial, and Negation and these are presented just like a normal interview page, minus the answer of the interview ofcourse.
If you think the interviews are long and in-depth, you are wrong. Articles are plenty, "Satan's Origin", "Concept Of God", "The Truth About Belial", "Satan As Lucifer", "Christ in Islam", "Life After Death", "Spirituality, Mythology and Philosophy", "The True Religion", "Church of Satan", "Pagan Sun Worship and Catholicism" (too many pages for this one, including pictures), "The Truth Blasphemy Screwed", "Who Is Satan", "Greek Antichrist", "The Fact About Metalwarpage Squad", "Fact About Belial", "Definition of Religion", "History of Religion" and "Belial In The Form Of Our Life". Now you know what consumed the 100+ pages.
Some reviews of audio stuff also available, called "Metal Madness" with front cover included in most reviews but this reviews are everywhere in the zine.
Seth also run a label/distro. You might need to ask that when contacting him.
seth_metalwarpage @
Friday, October 15, 2010
Cryptic Liturgy #1 (2009)
Cryptic Liturgy #1 (2009)
64 page, A5, xerox, English
Deceased, Gammacide, Enforcer, Deathronation, Nunslaughter, Violator, Witchtrap, Mandatory, Vortex, Chronic Torment
Good debut issue, it seems like the editor have some experience doing a zine. Interviews are interesting to read, layout are made in cut n paste style and also use some font that give an ancient feeling while reading it. No reviews though but the editor have made lots of columns where some stuff is being reviewed there.
Those columns are in no particular order: "Underground Church" (10 underground masterpiece according to the editor). "Buried & Forgotten" (as the editor said "underrated & underestimate treasure of metal". The name of this column will make you imagine some old 80's or 90' stuff being reviewed like other zine is doing. Not really 'old' because there's an album released in 2004 like Cauldron Black Ram's "Skullduggery") and lastly "The Eyes of Horror" (a horror movie review).
Beside all that, editor made "Cryptorium", a column featuring front cover artwork. Not sure how this column work and what are the criteria used to choose the artwork. Maybe the artwork is chosen because its looks cool? For this issue feature some front cover from 80's to 90's releases.
Also featured here some live report around Bochum, Essen & Oberhausen.
Certainly this is not an average debut issue and worth supporting.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Radical Review #2 (2009)



Radical Review #2 (2009)
48 pg, A5, xerox, English
The Tangled Lines, Vormit, Noam Chomsky
Just like other normal HC/punk zine, there are lots of article that will make your mind think a bit. They are either written originally by them or taken somewhere (the Noam interview is taken from But that does not make most of the zine's content. There are also lots of advertisement/flyers. Not sure whether they are funded by those advertisement or not but I'm really impressed with the printing quality (or maybe pro-printed, not laser photocopy?) and still selling it at a cheap price. The page where black color used as the background are really sharp and the picture are extremely clear. The layout they used for the interview really look like pro magazine however I wish they can do the same on other section like on the reviews.
This is not my regular reading material though. During one of my visit to Nebiula Heavy Metal Store, I saw this zine hanging at the exit door (like there are many door there haha). The thing that attract me is the back cover and I bought a copy. For my own safety, no further comment on that. As explained in the zine, they are not oppossing the government or supporting the the opposition. Both are the same to them.
If interested, check out their blog or myspace for more info.
Radical Review
Jalan Pandan Indah 4/14C,
Pandan Indah,
55100 Kuala Lumpur
Crypts Of Eternity #3 (2009)



Crypts Of Eternity #3 (2009)
48 page, A5, pro-print, English
Intrust, Fenebrarum, Voids of Vomit, Blaspherion, Godless, Graveyard, Ignivomous, Gorephobia, Drowned, Necrovation, Godless Rising, Hatespawn, Unaussprechlichen Kulten, Impetous Rage
Putrid, Profaner
This issue keeps the format of issue #2 including the size. So it is slightly bigger than A5. They still use the same font type used since issue #1. More pages of death added and this will surely pleased those underground death metal maniacs. With more pages now, I think it is wise to have a table of content although now (at the time doing this review) I think TOC is not really important although it can make the publication look organized and professional.
They requested not to call this zine "old school death metal zine". Clearly that tagline limiting the coverage of the zine and they preferred to be called as only "death metal zine". And yes, the zine and the band interviewed are true pure death metal because they despise Kratornas and Mantak (both are black metal bands by the way, if you still dont know). Really great to read those honest comment.
Review section (in alphabetical order and not rated) covers vinyl, CD and DVD as well as some demo (some are available for sale, do ask them). More reviews this time though. Ricardo also have added new "staff", Victor L. Miranda of Putrescense Records. The reviews with initial VM is him.
There are also gig report on the centerfold. 3 pages, very lenghty review and tiring my eyes reading them.
Seriously, not much I can say. Another well done issue!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Nordic Vision #1-2008 (2008)


Nordic Vision #1-2008 (2008)
80 page, A4, pro-print, English
Craft, Amok, Beastcraft, Strange Dolls (Beth Robinson), Leviathan, Enslaved, Kill, Tyrant syndicate, Aura Noir, Xploding Plastix, Satyricon, SunnO)))
Actually the size slightly bigger than A4. Anyway, this issue came out after 8 years since the last issue released. We certainly think that the editor quit the scene or stay "low profile". But they are back now.
For the old readers of this mag, you will surely be surprised with this new issue. Nordic Vision have changed (evolve?) to something different, that looks "un-metal" on the layout department. Also look at the front cover, Frost is smiling (normally metal would look fierce or macho on photoshoot haha).
This time, gone all the fancy looking layout which we usually see in a music magazine. What you can see here layout that looks like a journal, very clean and normal looking (or boring to some). Picture here will normally take a one full page and I thinks this is kind of good and original too.
Even the editor is using different name now (real name, I assume).
Old follower of this mag might be dissappointed. No more "Soundcheck" and "Sex and Satan" (honestly, "Sex and Satan" is not important at all but its just nice to look at the boobs).
There's an article entitle "Headhunting in the Nineties", complete with interview with a (real human) headcollector.
About reviews in this mag, if I count it right only 3 stuff being reviewed (how can people count it wrong?)
Despite the changes, I'm looking forward for the next issue. Its the content that really matters. Take a look at the cover story, Satyricon. It is very long and interesting chat and the same goes for the rest of the bands and people interviewed here.
And ofcourse, 80 pages printed on thick paper which mean this is a heavy mag and will cost some extra money for a copy due to the postage.
Nordic Vision #17 (2000)


Nordic Vision #17 (2000)
64 page, A4, pro-print, English
Incantation, Hypocrisy, Tormentor, Wolfen Society, Hammerheart Records, The Electric Hellfire Club, Morbid Angel, Mayhem, Dimmu Borgir, Zyklon
Another old issue that I bought together with other previous issues which I already reviewed before. If not mistaken, this is the last issue before Melankol-X "quit". This last issue has the best layout compare with all previous issues. It also looks like the same bands keep on apprearing in this mag. That's is not a bad thing because they are good anyway and worth reading their updates.
Other changes beside the layout is "Sexit" (previously know as "Sex & Satan"), and in addition to that to satisfy those perverts in the scene is the pull-out poster of naked ladies. Or if you dont like it, you can choose Maniac of Mayhem on the other side of the paper hehe. Oh yes, another hightlight is the picture collage of sexy girls partying and celebrating the 1st anniversary of "Sex & Satan", with Shagrath being massage by the girls. They made this in the center page for you to pull it out and put the wall if you want to.
"Fan mail" is back, and have 1 letter from Malaysia!
Regular columns such as "Soundcheck" & "Underground Avenue" is still here. "Underground Avenue" is a section where demo & vinyl is being reviewed (which I forgot to mention in my previous review).
In "Soundcheck", beside Fenriz, Frost, Samoth, Satyr & Shagrath, they invited a Finnish reader to rate the releases. Based on marks given, Guidance of Sin's "6106" is the worse release for this issue while Red Harvest's "Cold Dark Matter" is the best. Damn! Satyr is really hard to satisfy. 5 is the highest point he ever give out of 10.
Talking about Satyr (of Satyricon), he have his own column called "Megaphone Corners", which is new in Nordic Vision. In this issue Satyr gave his opinions on various subjects.
There are some live reports in Oslo (Cannible Corpse, Red Harvest, Iron Maiden). For some reason, not much fun reading them probably because I'm not into the bands.
But the last pages on the mag caught my attention is "World Domination". It has info on the print-run of Metallian, Close-up, S.O.D., Terrorizer, Metal Rules, Legacy & Nordic Vision and wanted to inform us they are dominating the metal press. Very big ambition. Most of the magazine still exist today but they probably dominate their local scene, not the world.
This is issue is for die-hard fans. Ludah Prod. probably have few copies left for sale.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Short, Fast + Loud #20 (2008)


Short, Fast + Loud #20 (2008)
88 pages, full size, pro-printed, English
Mind Of Asian, Flag of Democracy, ANS
I got hooked up with this mag because the local distro selling it says this is thrash zine. Only later after ordering the zine I got to know mag covers mostly 'non-commercial' hardcore/punk/grind.
Layout are OK but I dont like this kind of 'newspaper' printing. It will make your hands dirty after you finish reading.
The features of this zine:
Section "Gimme 5" where in this issue they asked 5 "toughest punks who could kick most ass",
12 page section called "Column", features articles of various topics and
there are reviews that cover noise stuff, demo (named as "Mosh of Ass"), other audio stuff (EP, CD, etc). Although its punk/hc zine, you see some BM stuff reviewed and some BM stuff being advertised here.
And after all that sections, come the interviews. Not the typical sequence you would normally see because most zine/mag put the reviews after the interviews.
But only 3 interviews? Is the interviews very long and indepth? Not really because Mind of Asian interviews are very short but that could be language problem.
Beside the reviews, other thing that make this zine 88-pages thick is the 20 page of advertisement. There's good and bad of this (lots of pages on ads). I think its good to see all those flyer and front cover artwork in pro-print but if you ordered this zine from outside USA, the postage price will be a problem at least for poor people like me haha.
This zine is released by Six Weeks Records. You can check out the cool stuffs released by this label beside info on past and present issue of this zine.
225 Lincoln ave.
U.S.A. 94931
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Burning Abyss #6 (2008)


Burning Abyss #6 (2008)
56 page, A4, pro-print, English
Underdark, Mandatory, Bloodwritten, Panzerfaust Zine, Apocalyptic Visions, Throneum, Dead Congregation, Death Breath, Nomad, Manticore, Vulcano, Inseminator, Repossession, Afgrund
I saw the flyers for this issue. The urge to buy this zine growing bigger day by day. Fortunately some copies are available from Domain Zine distro and bought a copy. A very good issue in terms of presentation & and the content. Layout is very professional made by Wisdemon (, not a single page have white background. Add that with the good content, then you have a great zine! Logo created by Szpajdel.
Maciek (the editor) is assisted by some writers (Hydrant, and also Sascha of Germany's Mandatory). As said by the Maciek, #6 is using different format and language. I'm guessing the previous issues is a xerox/photocopied-type of zine and is written in Polish. A wise change I must say. Maciek's english is much better than me and certainly not in the "kamikaze english" style hehe.
Most bands featured here are Polish bands (either the interviews or the reviews) which is great for us to discover and learn more on Polish metal scene.
Some columns which I think a regular feature in this zine: "News from the Abyss" (news section, ofcourse), "Reviews from the Abyss" (Audio reviews in alphabetical order, separated to two parts. Second part for stuff start with the letter M), "Burning Classics" (review for late 80's to mid 90's stuff) and "Burn Metal Press" (zine review)
My copy is hand numbered 399/500 but I think already sold-out by now.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Morbid Tales #6 (2009)





Morbid Tales #6 (2009)
107 page, full size, pro-print, English
Soothsayer, Elixir, Sacred Blade, Darkthrone, Pagan Altar, Metalian, Inepsy, Morne, Flower Travellin' Band, Trop Feross, Master's Hammer, Faustcoven, The Lamp of Thoth, Cauldron, Portrait, Voivod
One of the zine which I look forward to have because of many good words about the zine but I waited too long so the get sold out from the editor (1000 copies printed!). I manage to get a copy from a distro but at extra $. Not much to say on the layout or the visual aspect of the zine. Look very old-school and professional at the same time. The page numbered and have table of content. Mostly the layout is 3 column per page with some page have frame artwork. The font type really give the ancient look, very "old-school" feeling (add that with interviews with old bands). Excellent job on the visual aspect.
Same goes with the interviews, good and interesting chat. "Special feature" for Darkthrone is good too (with covers from demo till present release) as well as non-music question being asked. About reviews, reviews are not rated, some have artwork cover but mostly have band's logo on the reviews. "Under The Blade" is the section called for audio stuff (CD,LP, EP) and ofcourse, there's also reviews on fanzine & demo. Beside the usual interview/review, there's also section called "Metal Tourist Guide" which feature metal store or pub to go on your vacation. In this issue you have info about London, Prague, France and Montreal. Another interesting read is the 2 pages by Orlok (Countess), his tour memory with Barathrum/Sabbat.
In addition of metal music, flip upside down and start from the back there's another extra 13 page Hell Bent for Cooking "cookzine". This is another reason I wanted to have this zine. Not that I like cooking but "cookzine" + metalzine do not sound normal for me. So members of Goat Horn, Desolation of Angel, Barbatos, Toxic Holocaust, Countess, Ogre, Master, Anvil, Killers, The Gates of Slumber, Impaler, Elixir, warpig, Nailgunner, Debris Inc., The Lamb of Thoth, Gravewurm, Dan Beehler (ex-Exciter), Reverend Bizarre, Holocausto and Pilediver (have I miss any name??) shared some of their recipe. Ofcourse, the name of some of the meal have been "metalized" such as Macaroni Against Monotheism for example. Quite hillarious, looking at the 'chef' and the meal. The last page have some info about the bands contributed for the cookzine. If there's issue #7, would be interesting to know what Shyaithan of Impiety would want us to cook.
Some note from the editorial page, the editor (Annick) will change address. Editor also mention #6 will be the last issue or have a long break before #7 is out, to concentrate on other projects and band, Cauchemar. You already know she a cookbook out, right?
Annick Giroux
Monday, August 16, 2010
Domain #5 (2009)



68 page, A4, xerox
Desaster, Evilord
This might be my shortest review. And you might assumed that is because it only contain 2 bands? But how come 68 pages? OK then, this issue is DESASTER TRIBUTE ISSUE and Syaiful have made a great tribute issue in the underground metal scene. He make the effort of interviewing the band members (past and present!) and also members of Hellbanger Moselfranken (short question asked about their view on Desaster). There are too many people interviewed here and I'm lazy to write them down. There's lots of photos & flyers as well as the band discography (and photos of that as well). There are also lots of photo and flyers of Desaster. This is my second issue of Domain. My first one was their debut issue release years ago. Back then, it was all xerox. But in this issue, the front cover are hard printed paper while the content are xerored. Xerox quality is good, I wish the print quality of the picture can be made better. Limited release of 300 copies, the first 50 copies comes with Evilord's MCDr + DVD of Desaster (Headbangers Open Air) and Desaster patch. My copy is hand-numbered 129 so I missed those goodies except for the patch.
M. Syaiful
Blk 670A #17-503
Choa Chu Kang Crescent
Singapore 681670
Friday, June 25, 2010
Nermun #8 (2009)




52 page, A4, xerox, English
EvilDead Prod / Bestial Hordes, Nefarium, Krypt, Purgatory, Lecherous Nocturne, Possessed, Jasad, Putrid Pile, The Great Kat, Hereafter
1349, Barbalans
This is one of the earliest zine in Sabah! I was informed that this issue took years to complete (so that's explain why some content look outdated in 2010). The editor, AR Kid helped by some contributors finally manage to release #8. Xerox quality is excellent! Lets go to the layout. All the interviews have background image or grey color background. Printing quality are excellent so its nice to look at those sexy pictures on the background. The font for the interview are too big for me but review section use the reasonable size and looks better. The page are numbered but no table of content however on page 3 have sort of a summary of the content of this issue. The reviews are rated and mostly have the front cover. Reviews on audio stuff specially named as "Loudblast" and there's also fanzine review. Most zine have news section and the same with Nermun too. Only different is this zine have special section for fanzine news report. I enjoy a lot reading the EvilDead interview but cant say the same with the others. This issue hand numbered, limited to 100 copies only. Mine #3! And also comes with CDR sampler with DVD-size booklet. The editor also play in a band and have few releases out. You might want to check that too when asking about this zine.
Ahmad Ramdhan,
City Apartment,
Block F / F-16-02,
Kiansom Road, 88450 Inanam,
Kota Kinabalu, Sabah,
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