Morbid Abominations #2 (2011)
44 pg, A4, pro-print, English
Funeral Goat, Maniac Butcher, Sadomator, Ysengrin, Ravencult, Impure Worship, Satanic Warmaster, Morbosidad, Dead Congregation, Mitochondrion, Tundra, Mortem Zine, Communion
Grom, Black Feast, Blut Aus Nord (own words by Dalihrob)
In this second issue the layout is the same like the debut issue except that the frame art kills this time as you can see. Some flyers to fill up the space at end of the interview. The pages are numbered and have table of content, as usual.
The editorial this time consist of PB, and writers Dalihrob, Werwolfthron, Xalpian and contributors RLF & Behherit. Again, a very entertaining read. This issue was among the first interview with Barbarud of Maniac Butcher since their 'resurrection' that I read. Used to trade Malaysian metal with Pussy God's releases and bought Abhorer & Impiety 7" from his mailorder during my high school year. BTW, I bought this zine like 5 years ago. Read many other interviews since then.
The reviews covers music format and zine. They are not rated, arranged in alphabetical order and the format are stated. There's Deadhead zine review, a very long review by Xalpian. Beside reviews, there is also report on Deathkult Open Air (Germany).
Unfortunately this zine already sold-out but I still have some copies left for trade.
No news on the new issue when visiting their website. The label however is very active.