Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Necroscope #19

144 pages, A5, xerox, English

Embrace of Thorns, Pek, Antacid, Denouncement Pyre, Begrime Exemious, Enshadowed, Demonic Rage, Hellspirit, Goat Tyrant, Riddle of Meander, Warfist, Bestial Holocaust

My debut issue of this long running metalzine from Poland. I have no clue of what to expect from this zine. I need some time to understand his English which totally in kamikaze style. Thumbs up for the bands who manage to answer it well hehe. The zine are thick but no table of content. One good thing I found here is, all the space are very well used by Adam. Very info-packed I must say. The use of pictures are very minimal, mostly are small sized font which can get your eyes tired after a while. He also put lot of comments of the reviews which is quite lenghty but that is not a bad thing. There are some zine review and music reviews are called "Worldy Assault" but no separation to different formats like CD/Vinly/etc. These reviews are separated to multiple section like "The First Battle", "Total War", "The Final Resistance" and they are placed in between the interviews. I read these reviews but couldn't think whether the reviews are grouped according to certain criteria or not. For those who are interested to know more on Polish scene, there is a special review section on Polish bands called "Polish Hell". Another interesting column in the zine is "Pearl From Abyss" (review of old demo/releases and bands) and "The Forgotten Race" (interview with tape trader). After I got this issue (by trade with some local metalhead), I was informed Adam have released few more issues so #19 is quite old but the content does not seem to be outdated. You can also contact him and ask about his bootleg releases (available via trade).

c/o Adam Stasiak
42/3, 80-139 Gdansk