Saturday, August 5, 2023

Summon The Beast #1 (2018)

Summon The Beast #1 (2018)
68 pages, A4 size, English, pro-printed

Nocturnal, Dekapited, Gallower, Pathogen, Minefield Torment, Putrid Evocation, Nuclear Warfare, Incinerator, Oldskull, Hellripper, Savage Deity, Speed Command, Motor, Slaughter Messiah, Verdugo, Hereafter, Hellbreaker, Shambles, Remains

The editor: Supalerk (also the boss of Hell Productions) and me have something in common; we both don't like webzine. But he has a printed zine while I only have this blog, which can be equivalent to a webzine haha. Anyway, we support the scene the best and as honest way we can.

In the flyers said its pro-printed. Laser printer can also give this kind of good excellent quality so not exactly factory printed quality. Thick A4 paper is used and stapled on the side. My last 2 pages fall out. I need to glue them back together. By the way sickness666 made another killer artwork (the front cover for this issue).

The pages not numbered and no table of content. The layout in cut and paste style with some have page border.

Some interviews are long. Close to 30 questions or more. Multiple font types are used. For example, 1 band interview use this type and other use another type so not 1 specific type or size. The editor asked specifically on shitest experience on stage. Funny to read the answers haha . Been a while reading on Malaysian band in zine outside from Malaysia.

Reviews are plenty but music stuffs only. All formats in one section and has the logo of the bands. They are not alphabetically arranged and not rated.

The last 10 pages are filled with flyers. The editor fills up space with flyers too in other pages.

My copy hand-numbered 21/100.

nuclear-666 at hotmail dot com

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