Saturday, January 31, 2015

Virus #8 (2014)

Virus #8 (2014)
70 pg, A4, xerox, English

Tormentor, Obsessor, Denouncement Pyre, Beast Conjurator, Black Vul Destrucktor, Master, Sorcery, Karamah, Interment, Artillery, Kill, Witchrist, Vampire, Revel In Flesh, Demonic Rage, Necroccultus, Morbid Perversion, Terrorist, Graveyard, Grave Desecration, Manticore, Carnal Ghoul

Retribution of The Ancient

It took almost 3 years after issue #7. In between these years, he releases his other Malay-written zine, Darahhead.

Fauzi preserve his layout format and interview style like his previous issues. The pages are numbered but no table of content. Layout is combination of cut n paste or 2 columns per page with frame artwork. Front cover artwork this time made by Alex Olivares.

I thought that Master interview was made by Fauzi. It will be good to know Paul Speckmann's view on Malaysian scene (if such question is asked). By the way, Tormentor is not the band with Attila in it. This is the Malaysian one playing thrash metal.

Review covers music & zine. Very simple layout on this section. Not much graphic. They are not alphabetically arranged and not rated. There are some 2 pages on zine reviews. 1 page of news mostly on Malaysian metal scene which is still 'fresh' when reading it just a few months after the zine being release. This is my checklist of the stuff I should be buying.

As usual, the photocopy quality can be made better.

About the article, Retribution of The Ancient, it features Malaysian metal classic releases which Fauzi started since issue #7.

Get this while it is still available and also ask about his distro list. Or at least ask about Phenomistik mini-CD. He also distributes this band which consist One Barchiel.

virus_zine at yahoo dot com

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